Corporate Meditation Sessions: Education and Immersion.

Sylvia Ferguson is a yoga teacher and a Masters of Science in Mindfulness Based Interventions. Her education gives her a background in psychology, neuroscience, and an understanding of the scientific studies supporting contemplative practices. Her own curiosity infectious, Sylvia weaves in education about the thought processes we experience as she guides participants through immersive practices. This approach makes the sessions educational, interesting and alive. 

Practices are engaging and interactive, together we explore the nuances of the mind. Everything is undertaken with a light touch to awaken a non-judgmental curiosity - this exact mindset is the one we take into an awakened, full, rich, vibrant life! 

Come to her workshops to learn more about the human condition, the endless studies in the field and what they are telling us, come to learn more about you! Workshops include short, easily-learnt practices and techniques supported by follow-on material - recordings guided by Sylvia to repeat the learnings in your own time at home. You can find an example of Sylvia’s guided meditation here

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Sylvia FergusonComment
What's going on? Awakening curiosity.

Why curiosity can be your best friend on the yoga mat. 

Yoga, meditation and mindfulness practices focus our attention and awaken curiosity. We sometime get the impression that these practices, collectively called contemplative practices, are there to relax us, to take us away from our busy lives and allow us an opportunity to chill. And indeed they do have those benefits, they reduce stress levels in the body, enhance sleep and overall feelings of wellbeing. There is a deeper benefit, however, that we can explore together in our practices when we apply time, patience and curiosity.  

The word contemplative is derived from the work to contemplate, to mull things over. When we contemplate something we are doing so in a way where we are engaged and interested, we are open. We are curious about things. So these practices teach us to be open and curious about ourselves, about life, keeping an open mind as our life unfolds. With this approach we are less likely to be stuck and rigid in our thinking. We are less likely to repeat the patterns of thought and behaviour that keep us stuck in old (usually fear-based) ways of being. We are open to change. And who doesn’t want to explore change, new-ness, fresh ways of thinking, moving and being in the world?

Join us on monthly Saturday morning 2-hour workshops for a deep-dive from your own little corner of the world; we will gather online together to explore with curiosity! Suitable for all levels of practice, our yoga flow is designed to get playful with familiar poses and sequences, and mix things up a little to wake up sensations in the body. We’ll pause at the roughly half-way mark for a short contemplation. You are invited to write something down during this part of the workshop - our journalling will be exploratory and playful. For the latter half of the workshop we explore yin-style yoga stretching with longer, deeper holds with an emphasis on body-scan, training the mind to settle for a little while on specific parts of the body while keeping a sense of expanded awareness of the body as a whole. Emerge brand new! 

You can find out more about these workshops and other opportunities to gather in contemplation on the events and workshops page of the website. Why not take a deep-dive and join us for 5-night yoga retreats in Solar Alvura in Portugal where we begin our days in silence, restorative practices are guided by Sylvia in the light of the rising sun. Smaller events are booked via Eventbrite. Weekly community centre yoga classes have very limited spaces. Events in nature in Mutton Lane and Marlay Park as soon as it’s warm enough!

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Sylvia FergusonComment
The psychology of doing yoga with a group, pea soup!

First classes back in the new year this week and I know I’m not the only one who cannot wait to get back! Back to our tranquil space to reconnect with the silence, peace and solitude of our yoga mats in a room full of other people. Our mats are like a little island in the big sea of life and we have taught ourselves to find refuge there. 

The psychology of this is really interesting, and it applies whether in-person or doing yoga in a group online. One of our biggest fears as humans (sub-conscious or not) is the fear of being isolated from the tribe. In our ancestory this would no doubt lead to our death (another subconscious fear we all have); in our modern world we could survive alone but the gripping fear is still there. Fear causes constriction - tight muscles and fixed negative thoughts. We thrive in community, we relax when we are supported. In our yoga classes we instinctively know we are accepted, we belong. After all, all you need to do is show up to be a part of the group. We are less inclined to be self-absorbed and more inclined to feel a part of the human race, I love to call it a feeling of 'being a pea in large pot of pea soup!' Think of the vibe when you are at a gig or a match, or on a dance floor, part of a big, happy, energised group of humans. Who doesn't love that? That's what's happening to your brain, your nervous system and to every cell in your body every time you make it to class. A feeling of belonging, of coming home. No pressure to be special or to be the best, nobody cares if your warrior pose is amazing or if it's wobbly, just an acceptance of who you are, as you are, simply showing up. 

With that in mind, a few reminders: releasing what keeps us stuck is the goal; you are amazing just as you are; we all struggle, you are not alone.

The Goal of Yoga

The yoga pose is not the goal.
Becoming flexible is not the goal. Standing on your hands is not the goal.

The goal is to create space where you were once stuck. To unveil the layers of protection you’ve built around your heart. To appreciate your body and become aware of the mind and the noise it creates. To make peace with who you are.

The goal is to love, well… You.

Come to your yoga mat to feel; not to accomplish.

Shift your focus and your heart will grow.

Rachel Brathen. 

I'm so grateful to be returning to another year of time on the yoga mat with you all with so much exploring and discovery awaiting us! This year I’m focusing on more regular on-line time together, one workshop a month, you are welcome. Thank you all so much for your commitment to your practice (and to yourselves). 

Kindest regards, 


All upcoming classes and events are listed on the events page of the website.

Online workshops weave in a bit of optional journalling to assist with brain-dumping and finding clarity! Dress code pyjamas or yoga pants or a bit of both. Tickets for our next event on January 20th are €20, please book by selecting a quantity of two here or you can book via Eventbrite

For those of you who like your yoga under sunny blue skies I have been working with Solar Alvura in Portugal, Dr. Eva's stunning health hotel, to create a full calender of retreats for you to choose from. One a month. It's a short hop on a Ryanair or Aer Lingus flight to Faro Airport and the hotel is only 30 mins away from there, we collect you. While I am on retreat I have a substitute teacher taking classes in Dublin so everything runs all year round and you can be consistent in your yoga practice.

In Portugal we combine yoga with relaxation, incredibly healthy food (think big colorful plates bursting with flavour and vitality; dessert, wine and treats if you wish) and excursions around the area. Swimming in the  Atlantic Ocean (our local beach is on a little inlet), we boat to magical islands, we visit olive farms and cobbled Portuguese Villages, we relax beside the orange grove in the evenings. We get a lot of repeat bookings so please enquire early for your favourite month. Often people come alone, it's very safe and welcoming. All upcoming retreats are listed on the events page of the website, we would love to see you there!

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Sylvia FergusonComment
Restore and Flow: Notes on the guidance and journaling.

A supportive online yoga class that combines the power of yoga and mindfulness with a light touch of guided journaling. A moment to stop, release and reset in life, so you can embody yourself from a place of calm awareness, this is the space for you. 

We began with grounding and breathwork and our first writing prompt, a clearing of your thoughts and a setting of intentions. 

We took the body through a good full-range-of-motion stretch, like a big yawn for every muscle! A big release of tension and a good spacious stretch. Nothing too fast or sweaty but moments of strength, connection and inner awareness. 

We came to seated for our second journaling prompt, focusing the attention.

From seated we took our stretching closer to the floor and explored a guided body scan. Our final journaling prompt guided us towards intention and a noticing of the body.

A reflection to close and reset you for heading back to life with freshness and clarity. 

When exploring intention, we looked at it in a very free and easy way with a curious, open-minded approach. My suggestion was that you allow your intentions for yourself, and your focus and your energy, to ebb and flow over the two hour period while maintaining, as best you can, the continuity of the awareness of the physical body. We mostly used breath, and/or sensations in the feet, as an anchor. 

Page 1. What is Mindfulness? Mindfulness = Awareness (paying attention / calm and awake)

Awareness is imbued with curiosity, non-judgment and compassion

Page 2. Language and terminology behind the concepts we are actively exploring together, our learning has structure and it is designed to be a shared learning journey, ie. you learn from you, supported by the larger learning circle. 

Discernment: a wise way of making decisions

Introspection: awareness of the body

Contemplative: practices that are practical and (potentially) transformative. Practices that assist with deep concentration and quieting the mind. 

Vipassana meditation: seeing things as they really are (don’t dwell, don’t judge). 

Intention: ebb and flow out of conscious learning, day dreaming, resting, concentrating. 

Page 3. Writing (1). 3 minutes - blank page - ‘brain-dump’.

- How am I? - what’s going on for me? - what’s going well? - what’s needing attention? 

Qualities to support us: being with what is, curiosity, non-judging, where am I feeling it in the body. 

Page 4. Writing (2). 3 minutes - 3 things - FOCUS

- 3 ways I bring joy to others AND/OR - 3 things that make me happy - 3 things I am aware of NOW in the body.

Page 5. Writing (3). 3 minutes. 3 intentions. Body. 

How was my experience today? What arose for me? What might ‘future me’ need to be reminded about after today? 

“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space lies our power to choose our response. In that choice lies our growth and our freedom.” Viktor Frankl. 

I'm hoping to run one workshop a month in 2024. We will explore one education piece each month and a journaling piece in the middle of the workshop. The next one is on Saturday 20th January 10am-12noon, €15 early bird (€20 after 6th Jan.)

You will need: 

Your mat, two pillows, a blanket, something to cover the eyes, a do-not-disturb sign for your door! A pen and paper, either a notebook or three blank sheets. something to sit on when you are writing and something to lean on while you are writing like a table or a book. It’s fine to use table and chair for some of the workshop if it’s easier. 

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Sylvia FergusonComment
Solar Alvura Retreat Dates 2024 - what's your favourite month to get some sun?!

Solar Alvura Yoga Retreats

Join us for a rejuvenating yoga retreat at Solar Alvura, where you can immerse yourself in the serene beauty of the Algarve. We explore daily yoga and meditation sessions, complemented by delicious and nutritious meals to nourish your body and soul. You'll also have access to our spa and wellness facilities, as well as the opportunity to explore the breathtaking natural surroundings through guided excursions and adventure. Come unwind and find your inner peace at our idyllic yoga retreat. Please book by contacting Solar Alvura Health Hotel or let me know if you have any questions.


Nurture, Heal & Transform Yoga Retreat Dates


27th Jan - 1st Feb

10th - 15th February

2nd-7th March

20th-25th April

15th - 20th June

21st - 26th September

19th - 24th October

16th - 21st November


5 nights (6 days) Yoga Retreat starting 5pm Satruday, ending 12 noon Thursday. Extend your stay with a discounted rate on nights booked before or after the retreat; most guests come a day early to join us for the Saturday morning market in our local fishing town.


Please check the hotel website for pricing, prices start at €1,055 per person sharing, €1335 single occupancy.  


Solar Alvura Yoga Retreats are supportive, invitational and fun. They are designed by Sylvia Ferguson who has over 20 years of experience in teaching yoga. There’s an option to add on a detox programme or a weight-loss programme to your stay but no obligation to, many guests enjoy wine and dessert in moderation!


Retreat includes:


Full use of the extensive facilities and optional group excursions with optional extra treatments, procedures and excursions available

5 nights luxury accommodation 

All meals

Alcohol free drink (cocktail) or one glass of wine or beer per meal

Twice daily yoga, meditation and mindfulness practices with all of your equipment provided, no need to bring your yoga mat unless you'd like to

Excursions with the group (depending on the time of year) beach days, hiking, a visit to a local olive farm, cooking demonstrations

Airport collection on arrival from Faro airport (only 25 minutes away)


Add ons:


Weight loss program / detox program

Colonic hydrotherapy

Massage and all other Spa treatments


We are expecting you to leave with a healthier body and mind having had the space to nurture and relax with the support of your group and your mentors. Your learning programme will include practices for daily meditations, yoga and mindfulness as well as education on nutrition. Our intention for you is that your practices explored on retreat could come home with you to be incorporated into your daily life: 5 Tibetans, Dr Eva's method of healthy daily maintenance diet, daily mindfulness practices. 


A typical day includes: 

 Sunrise meditation and yoga followed by a healthy indulgent breakfast

Morning excursions or enjoy the property, book a treatment, or relax by the pool or in the Hammam. Wander through the orange grove, take a short stroll to the local town or nap!

A healthy lunch

Afternoons to enjoy the property, book a treatment, or relax by the pool or in the Hammam

Evening yoga or sunset meditation, or group Hammam depending on the time of year

Evening dip in the nearby Atlantic Ocean, summer or winter, we meet in the hot steam room after winter dips.

A leisurely dinner


Please contact the hotel directly to pay your 50% deposit to secure your place. We look forward to welcoming you!

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Sylvia FergusonComment
Yoga Retreats at Solar Alvura, what to expect, the excursions and an amazing review! 

Our lovely guest on our July yoga retreat, Rachael, recently review our yoga retreat in gorgeous 3-page spread in the Sunday Mirror Magazine. Here’s a little flavour or what impressed her the most while giving you an idea of what you might expect when you join us. 

Although the retreats are in a stunning, luxury hotel in the Algarve they are surprisingly affordable so knowing first that your 5 days / 6 nights starts at €1062 for all your yoga, your delicious food, the facilities in the beautiful hotel in a shared room*. The Ryanair fights are frequent and affordable, the hotel is only 25 minutes from Faro Airport and arrange collection for you. It’s more accessible than you might think! 

Rachael adored her stunning room, the outdoor dining area with heaps of flavourful veg at every meal. Our morning meditation is on a rooftop at sunrise with views extending to the Atlantic Ocean not that far away. We drift from there to a purpose-built yoga yurt with soft cream fabric overhead and warm red stone below, sunlight pouring in and the scent of lavender and orange-grove ever-present in the property. 

The pool area is an infinity pool with shade or sun, luxurious sun loungers and the perfect place to chill for a few hours. It is a very peaceful location with maybe just an occasional distant passing car or the neighing of Eva’s pet donkey Divo to interrupt the silence. 

Eva is a doctor specialising in weight-loss and diabetes management, some hotel guests are there for specific tailored programmes, most on the yoga retreat are simply there to enjoy an abundance of healthy food. 

We have excursions daily, these are optional if you’d rather chill at the hotel or book a treatment at the spa. The Algarve Coast is a short drive away and we all pile into the hotel’s mini-bus for the ride. We take a ferry for the short ride to an island with white sand beaches, sun-loungers and umbrellas and cute bars with snacks and drinks. Tropical island experience with the Atlantic Ocean for a dip. We go to our local Olive Farm for a potter and a tour, our local historical town, Tavira, is perfect for a wander or a bit of shopping. We sea-kayak to another nearby island, more cute bars and coffee shops and a manageable, fun kayaking experience as we all paddle our own canoes! Life jackets and waterproof phone holders are all provided, the services in Portugal are excellent. 

We eat together three times daily but nobody minds if you’d rather spend quiet time with your book or gazing out over the extensive property admiring Divo’s gorgeous ears! Mornings are in silence until breakfast so we get used the endless chattering mind and learn how to appreciate silence and stillness and moments of peace. Our retreat is designed so you build skills and learn things, short yoga sequences to develop your home practice, little tips and tricks on creating plates of gorgeous healthy food, meditation practices that can drift into your life with ease. 

Rachael is still doing her daily meditation months later, many other guests (including me!) adopt some of Eva’s clever ways of maintaining healthy food choices, many others develop a short daily yoga practice. Eva and I are both scientist and educators and we love to support you in finding ways to live your best life. 

Rachael’s full article can be accessed here. I’m here for any questions at all, get in touch! xS

*Please note prices are due to increase in 2024

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Sylvia FergusonComment
What to expect in Sylvia's weekly yoga classes in Community Centres.

Hi, I’m Sylvia, your yoga teacher. I have been teaching yoga close to 20 years and I am also a Mindfulness Teacher teaching MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction). My classes are for everyone. My approach is one of invitation—I'll offer suggestions, and you'll move your body in ways that resonate with you. You'll never be pushed into anything you're uncomfortable with, and I'll always provide support if you need to modify your movements. Thank you for considering my yoga classes, it is a huge honour for me to teach what I love. 

In our classes, we celebrate diversity. Expect a blend of participants, from yoga novices to those who've been practicing for a while, each on their unique journey. My classes embrace all ages, genders, abilities, and backgrounds. Yoga isn't a contest—it's about personal growth.

As newcomers, it's common to compare ourselves to others and feel a sense of inadequacy. Let go of those worries; they're part of the journey. You're in a safe space where judgment doesn't exist. Criticising yourself or others isn't necessary, simply give your best effort. Wear comfortable, layered clothing that keeps you warm.

If you're new to yoga, there are various avenues to explore. Some yoga studios run a "Yoga for Beginners" course or a beginner's workshop. Most newcomers just join a class to give yoga a try. If you're injury-free and have no limitations (like high blood pressure, recent injuries, or pregnancy), you're good to go. Understand that developing easy in your yoga practice takes time; approach the experience with an open mind. If you do have limitations, consult your doctor and then discuss your situation with your instructor. Often, with a touch of common sense, accommodations can be made. If you'd rather start your yoga journey at home you could try pre-recorded beginner-friendly classes.

Yoga is union. Union of breath and moment, union of mind and body, union of effort and surrender. Your first class might be different to what you expect. It will possibly be harder (I teach people to be strong) and more relaxing (we meditate from the moment you take your first breath) than you had expected. Learning more about ourselves and what makes us tick is one of the many benefits of a yoga practice. It's a gradual, subtle transformation with profound results.

Opt for loose, comfortable clothing; yoga is typically practiced barefoot. Don't fret over having "perfect" feet; nobody minds. Feel free to wear socks if you prefer. Prepare for class by wearing fresh clothing that makes you feel at ease. Approach yoga as a date with yourself—attend in clean, comfortable clothes you enjoy.

Try to arrive ten minutes early to class so you are settled in a space you are comfortable in in the room. Bring a yoga mat (let me know if you need to borrow one) and a small blanket for sitting, padding, or relaxation. Mats are available in sports shops, while luxury options like Manduka can be purchased online. Cheaper mats can be a bit slippery. As for blankets, you'll find great options at affordable stores. Include warm layers for relaxation, like a sweatshirt or cozy socks. An eye pillow can also help block out light during relaxations.

During practice, listen to your body. Think of the teacher as a waiter presenting a buffet of choices. You're the discerning diner, choosing what suits you best. Pay attention to your body's signals and your breath. If something feels off or too challenging, don't force it. If you're short of breath, slow down. Staying attuned to your breath is integral to yoga. If breath awareness doesn't come immediately, that's alright—focus on moving and following the class, and the breath will align naturally. With practice and consistent effort your entire yoga practice might become a moving meditation.

Expect a gentle start in class, combining breath and movement. We'll transition through sun salutations and standing poses, which might initially feel slow and awkward—completely normal. With practice, your movements will become smooth and graceful. Toward the end, we might explore advanced poses. Feel free to try, watch, or progress partially. Clear instructions will guide you. Embrace the experience with playfulness, but prioritize safety and common sense.

Ultimately, we unwind, usually for about 5 minutes. The relief of completing the class often prompts a deep sigh and a desire to rest. I'll lead you through relaxation as your body eases with each exhale. In the last class of each block of four we treat ourselves to a full 30 minutes of deep, guided relaxation like Yoga Nidra.

Should you have questions or feedback, feel free to chat after class or reach out via email. I welcome your thoughts, requests, and inquiries.

My weekend, evening workshops and retreats follow the same inclusive philosophy—beginners are always welcome.

Drop me an email if you need assistance. Some courses have waiting lists, so please check ahead. Find details about classes, workshops, and yoga retreats in beautiful settings on my website and Facebook or Instagram page, "Sylvia's Yoga."

I'm excited to meet you on the mat soon, just as you are—imperfect and simply showing up. Just like me!

“When I am in the place in me where I am truly me, and you are in the place in you where you are truly you, there is only one of us.”

Morning classes are in Ballyroan Community Centre, Tuesdays (10.45am) and Thursdays (9.30am).

Evening classes are in The Park Community Centre, Mondays and Thursdays 6.45-7.45pm.

Monthly evening and weekend workshops are in Mutton Lane Yoga Studio, Tibbradden.

Corporate classes are in RTE weekly and elsewhere on appointment, please enquire.

Monthly retreats are in Solar Alvura Health Hotel in Portugal. At retreat times and during personal leave I have a substitute teacher to teach the class so your practice remains consistent. It’s best to add yourself to the email list for the relevant venue at the link below to stay informed.

Teacher Trainings are with Yoga Hub.

Details of all events including booking links are here.

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Sylvia FergusonComment
It only happens once in a blue moon...

What happens only once in a blue moon? Well, a blue moon of course! And guess what, this August mother nature is treating us to one. 

What does this mean for us? As a scientist I’ll tell you not much really, except we get TWO, not one, Full Moon workshops in Mutton Lane in August, definitely a reason to celebrate! As a lover of all things poetic and mystical, I’ll tell you a blue moon is an excuse to break out of our usual routines and connect with ourselves, with nature and with others in a beautiful environment, regardless of the science!

A blue moon is a term used to describe the occurrence of a second full moon within a calendar month. It is a relatively rare event, as the average length of a lunar cycle is approximately 29.5 days, while most months have 30 or 31 days. We get one once every two or three years. It’s our first one in Mutton Lane Yoga Studio.

From an astronomical perspective, a blue moon is not actually blue in colour. The term "blue" in this context is believed to have originated from an old definition of the word, which meant "betrayer" or "false." It was used to denote an extra full moon that disrupted the usual monthly lunar cycle, causing confusion or deviation from the norm. Deviation from the norm… let’s embrace that! 

It's worth noting that many of the beliefs surrounding the moon's influence on human behaviour and biology are rooted in folklore and cultural traditions rather than scientific evidence. While the moon holds symbolic and cultural significance for many people, its direct impact on our biology remains a topic of ongoing scientific investigation and debate.

That being said, the moon does have an impact on Earth's natural systems, primarily through its gravitational pull, which causes the ocean tides. Some studies have explored potential correlations between lunar phases and human behaviours, such as sleep patterns, fertility, or mental health, but the results have been inconsistent and often contradictory. The influence, if any, appears to be subtle and highly individualised, with different people responding differently to lunar cycles.

Let’s embrace all of that! Disprupting norms, exploring our individual response to events, connecting, adventuring, and discovering. 

You can book your full moon workshops in August on Eventbrite as well as our 2-hour Saturday morning yoga workshop which lands on 5th August. Classes in the community and in Marlay Park continue all summer long, details are on the events and workshops page of the website. Yoga retreats in the beautiful Solar Alvura Hotel are open for booking for July and beyond, join us for a week of blissful serenity and food to die for!

I’m here for any questions at all and hope to be still here for the next blue moon too!

Here’s to adventure! xS

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What should I pack/bring for my yoga retreat in Solar Alvura? Summer version!

When packing for your retreat we suggest you keep in mind the intentions you might set for yourself for your time with us, comfort, joy and ease! Keep an eye on the temperature in the Algarve on the weeks and days coming up to your retreat, during summer months your priority will be cool, protective layers. During cooler months clever layering for freedom of movement and warmth when needed. We suggest bringing the clothing that sparks feelings of joy and sunny relaxation time. The below are just our suggestions, please feel free to add your own.

1. Yoga clothing for classes twice daily, evening yoga is gentle. No need to bring your mat, we have everything you need. Optional extras you could bring are warm socks for relaxation, a warm layer of clothing, and maybe an eye pillow.

2. Swimwear, flip flops or sliders. We will need swimwear for the pool, the beach and the boat. Something to cover up is essential for the boat, a hat and a top with long sleeves. Bring your best sun hat, SPF 50+, and your water bottle to refill regularly from our chilled, flavoured, filtered water.

3. Runners for fitness walks. Your normal runners should be fine, no special hiking gear needed. I tend to travel in my comfiest runners and only pack flip flops and flat sandals.

4. Something cool and comfy for pottering around cobbled Portuguese towns and our local olive farm.

5. Some cash can be handy, they don't always use card in Portugal, but we do have an ATM in our local town just minutes from the hotel. 

6. Prepare for mosquitos at night, just in case; our sea breeze tends to keep them at bay but you never know.

7. We will most likely dine out on the orange grove terrace, a shawl or wrap or cardigan can be handy for chilly evenings. Many guests like to change for dinner, a simple smart-casual dress or shirt. The ethos for the retreat is relaxation so please feel free to come as you feel comfortable.

8. Maybe bring a book (we have plenty to borrow), a notebook and pen. We will have opportunities for journaling and reflection. Although Solar Alvura has excellent wifi we encourage a digital detox. The opening circle will have discussion around group ground rules for photos, social media and phone use during our group time and in group spaces; your private space is always available to you.

9. Bring your open mind! We’ll explore mindful consumption and mindful communication as we spend time getting quiet with ourselves. Let your retreat time be rich for discovery of new patterns of movement, behavior and thoughts. Bear in mind others are here to experience quiet time, we ask you to remain attentive to maintaining a peaceful atmosphere in our lovely chilled space.

Happy packing! xS

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Solar Alvura Yoga Retreats ~ Reduced prices!

Join us for a rejuvenating yoga retreat at Solar Alvura, where you can immerse yourself in the serene beauty of the Algarve. Our experienced instructor, Sylvia Ferguson, will guide you through daily yoga and meditation sessions, complemented by delicious and nutritious meals to nourish your body and soul. You'll also have access to our spa and wellness facilities, as well as the opportunity to explore the breathtaking natural surroundings through guided walks and hikes. Come unwind and find your inner peace at our idyllic yoga retreat. Please book by contacting Solar Alvura Health Hotel or let me know if you have any questions.


Nurture, Heal & Transform Yoga Retreat Dates


24-29 June 2023

15-20 July 2023

16-21 September 2023

28 October-2 November 2023

11-16 November 2023

10-15 February 2024


5 nights (6 days) Yoga Retreat


Prices start at €1062 per person sharing 


Solar Alvura Yoga Retreats are supportive, invitational and fun. They are designed by Sylvia Ferguson who has over 20 years of experience in teaching yoga.


Retreat includes:


Full use of the extensive facilities and optional group excursions with optional extra treatments, procedures and excursions available

5 nights luxury accommodation 

All meals

Alcohol free drink (cocktail) or one glass of wine or beer per meal

Twice daily yoga, meditation and mindfulness practices with all of your equipment provided, no need to bring your yoga mat unless you'd like to

Excursions with the group (depending on the time of year) beach days, hiking, a visit to a local olive farm, cooking demonstrations

Airport collection on arrival from Faro airport (only 25 minutes away)


Add ons:


Weight loss program 

Colonic hydrotherapy

Massage and all other Spa treatments

Airport drop off


We are expecting you to leave with a healthier body and mind having had the space to nurture and relax with the support of your group and your mentors. Your learning programme will include practices for daily meditations, yoga and mindfulness as well as education on nutrition. Our intention for you is that your practices explored on retreat could come home with you to be incorporated into your daily life: 5 Tibetans, Dr Eva's method of healthy daily maintenance diet, daily mindfulness practices. 


A typical day includes: 

 Sunrise meditation and yoga followed by a healthy indulgent breakfast

Time to chill or hike - wander through the orange grove or settle in a sun-lounger by the infinity pool

A healthy lunch

Afternoons for optional excursions or to enjoy the property, book a treatment, or relax by the pool or in the Hammam

Evening yoga or sunset meditation, or group Hammam depending on the time of year

A leisurely dinner

An evening star-lit stroll after dinner


Prices :


Classic room sharing €1062 per person

Classic room single €1450


Superior room sharing €1125 per person

Superior room single €1575


Superior room plus sharing €1200 per person

Superior room plus single €1725 

Please contact the hotel directly to pay your 50% deposit to secure your place. We look forward to welcoming you!

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The three-step anchor space; a mini-mindfulness practice.

The Three-Step Anchor Space is a mindfulness practice taught in Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) courses. It is a brief mindfulness practice that aims to cultivate present-moment awareness and provide a sense of grounding. It consists of three steps and typically takes about three minutes to complete:

  1. Step 1: Awareness of the Present Moment - Begin by intentionally bringing your attention to the present moment. You can do this by closing your eyes or keeping them open, and then simply notice and acknowledge your current thoughts, emotions, and bodily sensations without judgment.

  2. Step 2: Focusing on the breath or another anchor point of your choosing - Shift your attention to the sensation of your breath or the somewhere else in the body or the sounds around you. As best you can maintain your attention on your anchor while acknowledging it might drift and that’s ok, in that case you just gently guide it back.

  3. Step 3: Expanding Awareness - In this final step, expand your awareness to include your entire body. Notice any bodily sensations, tension, or areas of discomfort, as well as any emotions or thoughts that arise. Try to hold a spacious and accepting awareness of your experience, allowing whatever arises to be present without trying to change it.

The Three-Step Anchor Space serves as a mini-meditation that can be practiced throughout the day to cultivate mindfulness and reconnect with the present moment. It helps individuals develop a greater awareness of their thoughts and emotions and fosters a more balanced and compassionate response to difficult experiences. You can hear Sylvia guide you through a Three-Step Anchor space on Soundcloud here. Please sign up for the newsletter on the homepage of to keep updated on classes, courses and events.

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Outdoor Yoga in Marlay Park Spring Summer '23 ~ join us!

Join us in Marlay Park this summer! An invitation to be courageous, curious, and ready to embrace whatever unpredictable adventure the Irish weather might offer us. Yoga, mindfulness, playfulness, relaxation.

Enter the Park at the main (Grange Road near Lidl) entrance and from the Car Park turn left. Walk over one bridge and you will see us on the left, near the big tree and the iron man statue.

9.30am-10.30am all summer long except concert days, June 23rd and 30th - no yoga those days.

Friday 12th May - Friday 1st September.

Of course we all love a sunny day with clear blue skies, and it often is. However our experiences of outdoor yoga are just as rich and meaningful when it’s dull or raining. As we know only too well with Irish weather we could easily have both climates in the same hour and it’s often hard to predict. Here are some things you can do to prepare to be comfortable and well prepared for your experience. 

  • Prepare for all weathers. Bring warm removable layers. I suggest a vest, a t-shirt, a sweatshirt, a coat you can move in, a hat for sun, a hat for cold, shoes for rain, warm socks, your yoga mat, a small folded blanket (to sit on or throw over you), water and sunblock.

  • I suggest arriving around 10 minutes early so you are relaxed and ready to enjoy the whole experience from the moment you enter the park. Of course it’s no problem if you find yourself running late, just join us when you can. The most important thing is your relaxation; it’s extra special if you can begin to experience it from the moment you arrive in your haven!

  • I will adapt the class to suit the weather. My intention is to bring your body through it’s full range of motion for a big tension-releasing stretch everywhere! If it’s cold and wet we may just do this standing and then head off on our silent, mindful, tree-lined walk: forest-bathing. If it’s dry and/or sunny we’ll enjoy our movement on the mat. I feel we can all benefit from plenty of movement while soaking our senses in present-moment awareness and we have loads of creative ways to do both, whatever the weather!

  • I teach classic hatha yoga with a dose of playfulness. All yoga poses are suitable for all levels, please chat to me at the beginning if you have any concerns. Every movement I suggest is options and I give plenty of options for all levels. It’s always fine to do your own thing on the mat!

  • I teach mindfulness meditation as we practice. I have a Masters of Science in Mindfulness based interventions and will explore the skills for developing a mindfulness practice of your own.

  • Please let me know if you have any feedback, any questions or any suggestions.

  • Please note the events go ahead in the case of cold weather or light rain. In the case where the event does not take place due to really bad weather conditions a full refund will be issued.

Hope to see you in our little slices of heaven! 

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