Hi, I’m Sylvia, your yoga teacher. I have been teaching yoga for over 20 years and I am also a Mindfulness Teacher teaching MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction) courses.
Weekly yoga classes are designed to suit most bodies. Expect a gentle start in class, combining breath and movement. The physical yoga practice is balanced and healthy; we explore strength, balance, posture, muscle tone, flexibility and range of motion. We delve into breath-work, mindfulness, meditation and guided relaxation practices. All poses are adaptable for beginners. If you have any injuries or medical concerns please check with your doctor before practicing yoga. Please wear loose, comfortable clothing and bring a yoga mat and a small folded blanket if you have one (for padding or for a throw at the end).
Yoga courses run in 4-week blocks with the last week of each course focused on an aspect of restorative yoga… Yoga Nidra, Yin or Guided Body Scans. I will ask you to please confirm and pre-pay your next course on the final week of each course. At busy periods our courses tend to be fully booked.
I will always work with you if you are travelling and need to do part-of a course. I do appreciate you letting me know if you can’t make a class but I know life is busy and last minute things crop up.
Monthly workshops, two hours long, will run to allow you to go a little deeper into your practice. At the moment these are happening in Mutton Lane Yoga Studio. Upcoming events are always listed on the Events and Workshops page of my website. Please book Eventbrite events early as they tend to book out quickly. Evening full moon meditations are a softer practice.
Information on morning classes in Ballyroan including a link to pre-pay and a link to sign up for email.
Information on evening classes in Ballycullen including a link to pre-pay and a link to sign up for email.
In each class we have a wide range of participants, from yoga novices to those who've been practicing for a while, each on their unique journey. Classes embrace all ages, genders, abilities, and backgrounds. Yoga isn't a competition and we all do our own thing on the mat.
If you're new to yoga, there are various avenues to explore. Some yoga studios run a "Yoga for Beginners" course or a beginner's workshop. Most newcomers just join a class to give yoga a try. If you're injury-free and have no limitations (like high blood pressure, recent injuries, or pregnancy), you're good to go. Developing ease in your yoga practice takes time; approach the experience with an open mind. If you do have limitations, consult your doctor and then discuss your situation with your teacher. Often, with a touch of common sense, accommodations can be made. If you'd rather start your yoga journey at home you could try pre-recorded beginner-friendly classes.
Yoga is union. Union of breath and moment, union of mind and body, union of effort and surrender. Your first class might be different to what you expect. It will possibly be harder (I teach people to be strong) and more relaxing (we meditate from the moment you take your first breath) than you had expected. Learning more about ourselves and what makes us tick is one of the many benefits of a yoga practice. It's a gradual, subtle transformation with profound results.
Opt for loose, comfortable clothing; yoga is typically practiced barefoot. Don't worry about having "perfect" feet; nobody minds. Feel free to wear socks if you prefer. Prepare for class by wearing fresh clothing that makes you feel at ease. Approach yoga as a date with yourself—attend in clean, comfortable clothes you enjoy.
Try to arrive ten minutes early to class so you are settled in a space you are comfortable in within the room. Bring a yoga mat (let me know if you need to borrow one) and a small blanket for sitting, padding, or relaxation. Mats are available in sports shops, while luxury options like Manduka can be purchased online. Cheaper mats can be a bit slippery. As for blankets, you'll find great options at affordable stores. Include warm layers for relaxation, like a sweatshirt or cozy socks. An eye pillow can also help block out light during relaxations.
During practice, listen to your body. Think of the teacher as a waiter presenting a buffet of choices. You're the discerning diner, choosing what suits you best. Pay attention to your body's signals and your breath. If something feels off or too challenging, don't force it. If you're short of breath, slow down. Staying attuned to your breath is integral to yoga. If breath awareness doesn't come immediately, that's alright—focus on moving and following the class, and the breath will align naturally. With practice and consistent effort your entire yoga practice might become a moving meditation.
Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with any queries, I’m available by email and can schedule a chat on the phone at a time that suits. We can also plan a quick chat before or after class any time you need to check anything with me.
We are incredibly lucky to have this beautiful, clean, warm spacious room to practice in, I’m so grateful you are considering joining us!
Should you have questions or feedback, feel free to chat after class or reach out via email. I welcome your thoughts, requests, and inquiries.
My weekend, evening workshops and retreats follow the same inclusive philosophy—beginners are always welcome.
Drop me an email if you need assistance. Some courses have waiting lists, so please check ahead. Find details about classes, workshops, and yoga retreats in beautiful settings on my website and Facebook or Instagram page, "Sylvia's Yoga."
Thank you for considering my yoga classes, it is a huge honour for me to teach what I love.
Kindest regards,
“When I am in the place in me where I am truly me, and you are in the place in you where you are truly you, there is only one of us.”
Morning classes are in Ballyroan Community Centre, Mondays (12 noon), Tuesdays (10.45am) and Thursdays (9.30am).
Evening classes are in The Park Community Centre, Mondays (7.45-8.45pm) and Thursdays (6.45-7.45pm).
Monthly evening and weekend workshops are in Mutton Lane Yoga Studio, Tibbradden.
Corporate classes are in RTE weekly and elsewhere on appointment, please enquire.
Monthly retreats are in Dr. Eva’s Solar Alvura Health Hotel in Portugal. When I teach in Portugal we have a substitute teacher in The Park Community Centre so yoga is always on unless there is an unavoidable emergency.
Details of all events including booking links are here.
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