If you have trouble maintaining a healthy weight despite your best efforts, this is because weight gain is a complex process with many causes. A family history of weight issues, a diet high in processed foods and sugar, and being sedentary can all contribute to weight gain. Stress, struggles with mental health, some medications, poor sleep, and hormonal changes, are all factors that further contribute to weight gain.
There are many ways to combat excess weight, but there is no single solution. If you are trying to lose or maintain your weight, you may want to explore yoga. There is good research that yoga may help you manage stress, improve your mood, curb emotional eating, and create a community of support, all of which can help with weight loss and maintenance.
1. Yoga is healthy exercise.
Yoga can help you burn calories, as well as increase your muscle mass and tone. Yoga may reduce joint pain, which in turn allows you to exercise more and increase your daily activities. These physical benefits are only some of the many benefits of yoga.
2. Yoga can help you manage stress that can impact weight gain.
Yoga is derived from the Sanskrit word yuj, which means to unite the body, mind, and emotions. It is a holistic mind-body practice that improves many of the causes of weight gain.
Stress leads to an increase in the hormone cortisol. Cortisol increases abdominal fat, decreases muscle mass, causes cravings for fat and sugar-rich food, and thus can lead to obesity. Yoga can decrease stress and cortisol levels, enhance mood, decrease anxiety and depression, improve sleep, and improve chronic conditions such as high blood pressure and diabetes.
Yoga is not a miracle cure for excess weight, but it may work on the underlying causes. Its benefits extend beyond the calories-in-versus-calories-out equation.
3. Yoga can improve mindfulness related to eating behaviours.
We all know that eating vegetables and lean protein is good for our health and weight. While this knowledge is necessary, it’s sometimes not enough to help us stick to our healthy eating plans.
One of yoga's benefits is that it improves mindfulness of the body and awareness of body sensations. This is why yoga is called Moving Meditation. Research shows that you don't have to do any formal sitting meditation to get the mindfulness benefits of yoga.
By improving mindfulness, yoga can help decrease emotional eating, stress eating and binge eating. A study published in 2015 showed that practicing yoga led to healthier eating, including lower fat intake and an increase in vegetables and whole grains.
In summary, the best diet plan is the one that you can stick with over the long term, and by improving mindfulness, yoga can help you make healthier food choices.
4. A yoga community can provide acceptance and support.
Yoga culture embodies kindness, support, and self-acceptance. On a yoga retreat you are invited to surround yourself with non-judgemental support for days on end. Research shows that social networks influence behaviours that affect weight. A welcoming yoga group may help you improve your self-esteem and confidence. Teachers can help beginners or those with physical limitations by modifying poses.
The benefits of yoga are universal — no matter what your shape or size. A yoga retreat can help you establish a yoga practice, and ongoing practice is key for long-lasting benefits
Sylvia Ferguson has been teaching yoga in Dublin for over 20 years and recently completed a Masters of Science in Mindfulness Based Interventions. She is one of Dublin’s favourite yoga teachers frequently hosting events in nature, finding ways to bring community together. Sylvia is a lead teacher trainer with Yoga Hub is leading yoga retreats in Solar Alvura Health Hotel in Portugal.
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