What kind of a yoga teacher am I if I talk to you about connecting with your core on your yoga mat while ignoring the suffering in our community? What kind of a human am I to speak of the virtues of solitary moments of connection on the mat without acknowledging the interconnectedness of all humans on our planet?
Read MoreOften, the hardest work is just committing to your practice, and cultivating the discipline and perseverance to simply show up.
Read MoreThere are times in life when we could benefit from taking a long hard look at ourselves. Sometimes we just need to vent. Sometimes we need to reflect on what’s good, or simply brain-dump. Why not become your own best friend in this therapeutic, life-enhancing practice.
Read MoreThis too will pass and we will be be a stronger community for it. Take the time for practices that keep you well, nurture you, and develop you. This is a portal for us, times of great uncertainty lead to great resilience and strength.
Read MoreBreathing slowly, thoughtfully, and fully, calms the nervous system, which improves all the functions of the body, the digestive system, the immune system, all the systems of the body.
When we are relaxed and de-stressed everything is better!
Read MoreFor overall wellbeing ~ For stress reduction ~ To focus and calm the mind.
20 minutes of stretching and mindful movement, seated and standing: for good posture and a relaxed body.
20 minutes of meditation and mindfulness practices: for concentration, focus, and increased productivity.
20 minutes of guided relaxation practices: for relaxation, overall wellbeing, and an ability to stay present.
This is how we roll on our days out to immerse and reflect. Below is the flow of the day for the lucky 11 coming to our first event on Saturday 14th March in Recross, Co. Wicklow. Next event is Orlagh on April 17th - spaces still available. Read on to see how a day out might look like for you ….
Read MoreIf you are showing up regularly on your mat you are going deeper! Like the stream, there is no hurry. The path to your greater happiness and freedom is always waiting there for you, always ready to welcome you. The important part is that you show yourself compassion when it’s not going well, and you forgive yourself, and you step back onto the course anew each time.
This year my focus is on continuing to re-acquaint you with the sensations in your inner body so you can let go of tension and experience being fully present. I am very excited to roll out exciting adventures for you to join me in so we can practice together!
Read MoreStay in touch on your journey, yogis, we will help each other revisit the Xinalani moments that we sealed into your hearts.
“Your healing lifts up the ocean of existence. When you heal we all heal.” Yung Pueblo
Read MorePlanning therapeutic breaks. Planting seeds for spending time nurturing hobbies that support good health. Seeking out the company of others enjoying the same stuff in life, making ongoing baby steps towards that life worth fighting for.
Read MoreRadical implies ‘almost too much’. Extreme, pioneering, ground-breaking. The type of thing your more narrow-minded friends will condemn. But why not? Why not be a little extreme in the care you take of yourself. It doesn’t have to be indulgent in terms of money or huge chunks of time, it just has to be radical in terms of the importance you place on it. After all, if you are not prioritising your own journey into optimal health and joy, when who is?
Read MoreThere’s a perception shared by many: meditation is boring, we hate it, it’s dull. Blank the mind? Impossible. Dwell in peace and stillness … yes that bit sounds lovely, but how?
The particular words used to describe something can have a huge impact on whether we ‘get it’ or not. They can immediately alienate or immediately resonate. Instead of asking you to meditate, how with it go for you if I asked you do the following?
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