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Yoga Workshop: Alignment and Yoga Nidra

Yoga Workshop Saturday 19th December, 10am - 12 noon

Alignment and Yoga Nidra

Bookings: €15:

Awareness of the precise movements of the body; awareness of the fluctuations of the mind. Suitable for all levels, we will explore good alignment leading to good posture in life. We’ll soak this all up with a deep guided relaxation for the second hour of our workshop.

We’ll start with a short, seated, guided meditation to set the tone for our time together, cultivating postural awareness with a huge dose of softness and ease.

For the last hour of our practice we explore Yoga Nidra, a systemic, deep guided relaxation of body and mind. Yoga Nidra = sleep of the yogi. Snoring is optional ;-)

This practice is INTENTIONAL for the first half - awareness and focused concentration. The second half is designed to be deeply relaxing. The invitation is for you to remain fully present or to drop down into a deep, delicious, rejuvenating sleep!

Suitable for everyone, if you’ve any questions just ask Sylvia. In general all workshops and online yoga classes are suitable for all levels of yoga practice, however if you are completely new to yoga you may wish to start with Sylvia’s Hatha Yoga Video to learn the basics. If you have an injury Sylvia will offer you guidelines on how you might modify a pose; if you are unsure just watch and listen. If you’re still unsure please check with a medical professional before attempting a pose.

If you prefer the predictability and polish of pre-recorded classes you can purchase Rise and Shine, Ground and Release or the Zen Collection

What to bring:

*Your yoga mat

*warm socks and warm layers (something with a hood can be nice)

*two blankets or a blanket and a cushion, one for sitting on in meditation, under your head for relaxation and a warm layer to throw over you for Yoga Nidra.

*An eye mask or eye pillow or sock to block out the light.

*Your open mind and your smile!
