“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space lies our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” Viktor Frankl.
We all know the value of a little break, an adventure, a holiday. Stepping away from our usual lives and all it’s stressors is so good for us. What makes a retreat even more special is the intention you bring to this time away for yourself, the intention to really nourish yourself in a way that feels wholesome and nourishing so you can emerge refreshed and revitalized. A yoga retreat can potentially be life-changing.
On retreat we are invited to move more slowly than we normally might, rushing madly from A to B in our daily lives. Over and over again we make that subtle but powerful switch in how we are in our bodies, noticing we are rushing, planning, moving quickly and then softening slightly, pausing, coming back. This subtle switch moves us from a state of ‘doing’ to a state of ‘being’. Of course, ‘doing’ is a very helpful state to be in as humans; it’s not a mistake we all feel compelled to move with purpose for much of our waking lives. Having the insight to notice how we are, and to choose appropriate ways of being, is one of the skills we develop in practice on retreat. Learning that we have the ability to make this choice ultimately becomes our freedom.
On retreat we are invited to explore more silence than we normally might; we begin our mornings in silence. It can be unusual and maybe even difficult at times to get used to ‘not talking’ when you feel the urge. If we are lucky our silent period includes background sounds we like, birdsong or the rustle of leaves in a gentle breeze. However some sounds can trigger an unpleasant reaction so sound gives us a platform from which we can explore our normal human reactions. As we get used to being in silence emotions can come up for us. How does it feel not to talk, how does it feel when you have an urge to say something and you can’t. How does it feel to be alone with yourself in those moments, noticing what is coming up in a curious, non-judgmental way? The intention behind the silence is to give yourself a gift, the gift of not having to expend energy talking when there’s no need to. How does that sound to you; you gifting yourself with a means of minding your precious energy and using it wisely.
On retreat we leave behind our labels and our stories and we are invited to be exactly who we are. We’ll all show up to an event with a certain amount of trepidation, no matter how harmless the event seems. It’s very hard-wired for us as humans to want to be accepted by our peers, after all, not so long ago in our human evolution this would have been what kept us alive! And even if you feel you are not necessarily a people-pleaser (and maybe you don’t really give a toss what anyone makes of you!), there can still be a strong desire to be recognized as the amazing human being you are. Some like to wear their badge of recognition loud and proud; maybe you love to tell people your son is a doctor, or you rescue dogs, or you drive a Tesla, or you grow your own organic veg. On retreat none of this matters, everyone has their own unique story. Nobody is going around with baited breath dying to hear your child’s accomplishments. Nobody is wondering who’s the most animal-friendly or who drives the fanciest car. You don’t have to impress anyone, you don’t have to mind anyone, you don’t have to be in any particular way. During our discussion time you may feel like disclosing some aspect of your human-ness to others (and we would all welcome that) but you don’t have to, and you don’t have to worry about making others accept you, you are accepted for simply showing up. That’s not to say you can’t show up in your Tesla or tell us about your dog or your child; all of you, exactly how you, are is welcomed!
On our Solar Alvura yoga retreats we have six days for relaxation, exploration and discovery. Often on these retreats the silent morning meditations and the mindful walking are the most supportive and revealing practices for guests. From the awkwardness of day one to the serene acceptance of the last day, retreat guests blossom. Of course we have lots of ‘beginning again and starting over’ as many guests struggle to maintain the silent mornings (Irish female guests of a certain age, I’m looking at you ;-))
In our Mutton Lane events the biggest support for participants is learning how our environment can become a mindfulness ‘bell’ - a moment to notice how are are (the pause) and a moment to choose (the choice and the freedom). Over our time in the mini-retreat the mind settles - this gradual process unfolds as the body and the nervous system settle. We become more aware and it becomes more effortless to make that switch into ‘being mode’. Sustaining that way of being become more effortless.
Whether it’s a big investment in time and money in the retreat of your dreams in a luxury hotel in the Algarve, or a sunny morning out to pop up the mountains for a little reset, you will learn something new at every retreat. I will always drop little moments of learning, new ways of observing ourselves, language or images, to link what we are discovering with what we already know. After all, a lot of what we are going through is a process of un-doing, shifting away from those stressful patterns body and mind has repeated over and over to date. In a way we’re coming back to the way we were before the stressors, before there was a need to accomplish so much, before there was a need to be a certain way to impress. You come on retreat to rediscover YOU.
Mutton Lane yoga retreats are two and a half hour immersions in a purpose built outdoor / indoor yoga studio in the mountains. Sessions include yoga, mindfulness, an education piece with discussion, tea/coffee and a deep guided relaxation. Each session is different. June 5th, 12th, July 5th, 12th, tickets on Eventbrite. Price €45 per session (please enquire about a discount for attending all 4 sessions).
Solar Alvura yoga retreats are 5 night stays in a luxury Health Hotel in The Algarve, Portugal. Days include meditation, twice daily yoga, daily ocean swims, three delicious meals and optional daily excursions with the group to explore the area. The Hotel has all the immunities you would expect, luxurious spacious rooms, infinity pool, steam room, mini-gym, full spa. Retreats are once a month in June, September, October and November and prices start at €1775 per person sharing.
All upcoming events are listed on my website and my blog contains more info on these events and what to pack or bring. I’m here for any questions at all and look forward to welcoming you! xS
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