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Mindful May ~ twice weekly yoga on Zoom teaching you the skills of daily mindfulness practice.

  • Sylvia Yoga The Park Community Centre, Parklands Road, Firhouse, Dublin 24 Ireland (map)

Mindfulness is brain-training. Like muscle training and puppy training, it is a slow gradual practice that requires persistence and patience. Science tells us for the brain to be shaped, or influenced, a daily practice of just 8 minutes a day, for 6 days of the week, creates noticeable changes in the brain. Eventually, as the brain changes it becomes more habitual to be residing in a more spacious place for our thoughts. This helps bring awareness to our whims and our involuntary reactions. 

Who is ready to join us in establishing a daily meditation practice? Let’s start with 10 minutes a day, 6 days out of 7.

Here’s the plan ….

We start each yoga class with a guided 10 minute mindful meditation. We’ll use the same sequence each time so you begin to learn how to guide your attention in ways that help explore the natural wandering of the mind. Think of a focused mind with a kind, compassionate spaciousness. I’ll explain the sequencing to you so it begins to make sense, embodying our learnings. I’ll encourage you to repeat your 10 minute practice daily, 6 days out of 7, with my guidance.

In each class I’ll touch on a principle of mindfulness, for example non-judgement, and why it best serves us and we’ll weave that into our experience for the next 50 minutes of class. This encourages more embodied learning, a curious exploratory approach. 

Towards the end of the month I’ll provide you with a ten minute guided recording for you to keep FOREVER to help you continue to practice your 10 minute meditation daily. I’ll host this on multiple platforms for you to access easily from your phone. One of my own favourite meditation apps (free) is Soundcloud, search 10 minute meditation and see what comes up! 

As always, in each class we’ll flow and stretch and strengthen and breathe; my wish for you is that you enhance your ability to remain aware and awake to your experiences on and off the mat. 

You can join us for the four weeks of May, 8 classes, by selecting a quantity of four here; it's also fine to select one and come week to week. 

May’s workshop will be announced … I’m hopeful it might be outdoors!

Live classes are on Tuesday and Thursday 1-2pm, you can catch up on recordings any time and watch them as often as you like all week.