Back to Live Weekly Online Yoga with a few changes…
Dear Yoga Friends,
You are invited back to join us live online for yoga on Zoom. One class a week, Tuesdays at 1pm, starting Tuesday October 5th. The class is yours to repeat for the week.
The invitation is to weave mindfulness into our practice to explore mindful movement… the essence of mindfulness explored through the body!
“The essence of mindfulness practice is to work at waking up from the self imposed half-sleep of unawareness in which we are often habitually, but not inevitably, immersed.” Feldman and Kuyken.
The self imposed half-sleep of unawareness… another author, Jon Kabat Zinn, refers to it as the “chains of habitual reaction and the prison of involuntary conformity.”
So, let’s wake up awareness. Your invitation is to experience the changing sensations in the body as best you can from moment to moment.
We’re back to online yoga with a few changes:
Class is now once a week, Tuesdays, 1-2pm. GMT (Dublin)
A four week course is now €30; one class is €10.
(I will always work with you in times of financial hardship, please just ask.)
What is not changing:
The class recording is yours to enjoy for one week. Broken up into sections, enjoy a ten minute meditation, a twenty minute guided relaxation or a thirty minute full-range-of-motion flow whenever you want to during the week. Repeating the key learnings from the week which will build as we continue deeper into awareness of the subtleties in our practice, as we stay with what is.
As always I will strive to deliver you a yoga practice that is balanced and healthy… strength, balance, posture, muscle tone, flexibility and range of motion. Please ensure you have your Doctor’s blessing to do yoga and only do what feels right for you in your body.
As always I will add in a good dose of breath-work, mindfulness, meditation, and guided relaxation practices. As I enter my second year in a Masters of Mindfulness in UCD you can expect some references to psychology, neuroscience and buddhism as I continue to share my fascination with the human mind and body!
Our courses will run in 4-week blocks with the last week of each course focused on an aspect of restorative yoga… Yoga Nidra, Yin or Guided Body Scans.
Our next 4-week block is Tuesday 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th October, 1-2pm, live on Zoom with the recording sent afterwards.
Could I ask you please to take a little time to think about what you could most get out of your practice as we re-enter this space of practice together, maybe let me know how I can assist you? In the field of psychology the thinking is we are all slightly traumatised from what has happened and it’s safe to assume it’s a difficult time for many. Please be gentle with yourself. I fully expect there will be a lot of joy present for us too as we reconnect with our bodies, our communities and our very special energy we have all enjoyed so many times online together.
Next steps.
You can confirm your place by paying your balance via my website by selecting the the €10 button here, select 3 (€30) for the month. I’ll be back in touch on Monday 4th October to send you the Zoom link for the class on Tuesday. If you miss the class the recording gets sent out Tuesday afternoon and it’s yours for a week.
Local yoga friends, please continue to stay in touch on local community centre classes and yoga events continuing in Mutton Lane and Orlagh House. You can see what’s happening here or at my Eventbrite page.
I also have a library of online classes you can play any time you want. My Daily Collection is ideal for that short daily practice, five days of yoga, each practice less than 30 minutes. The Zen Collection gives you a choice of longer classes, shorter meditations, and a deep guided relaxation. Many of those classes can be purchased separately, you can scroll through the choice here. Each class you purchase is yours forever, accessible on any device at any time.
Really looking forward to hearing from you and getting back to what was so meaningful and wholesome for us. I think we are pioneers in figuring out new-normal and how to cultivate best practices for ourselves.
Thanks, as always, for bringing your lovely self along on this journey with us.
Kindest regards,