The style of yoga that changes how you think.

A very recent study on the benefits of yoga explored two groups as they attended yoga twice a week for 10 weeks.* In the first group the language was ‘movement-focused’, in the second it was ‘interoception-focused’. Interocpetion is the ability to sense or feel what’s happening inside the body; your yoga teacher may guide you to notice your breath, for example, or to feel or sense a body part, maybe the contact of your feet on the floor in a pose.

In the latter group the study showed an increase in ability to pay sustained attention, meaning higher levels of focus and concentration. This leads to a greater ability to tolerate stress; improvements in sustained attention can lay the groundwork for improved mood. Yoga can change the patterns and shape of the brain when taught with an awareness of the body. This is what we practice on the yoga mat all the time!

In our classes in Mutton Lane Yoga Studio we have been taking the practice outside a lot. This surprisingly milder weather allows us to be under the rustling trees and ferns, nurtured by the breeze, supported by the sounds of birds and nature. All of these things help bring us back to awareness of the body. The moist, fragrant air as it enters the body as our breath. The breeze gently moving us as we sway and respond to it, feet firmly rooted into the supportive wooden deck. The contrast when we transition in silence to the studio with its warm crackling fire.

Come to yoga to feel, not to accomplish. We’ll move and stretch, we’ll strengthen and lengthen and relax our bodies and we will train, shape and cultivate the mind. We might not be present in thought all the time, the mind will wander. That’s what minds do, as sure as the heart will beat the mind will wander. That’s not a mistake, our rich, brilliant minds are designed to be creative and free-flowing. I will help you come back to awareness, awareness of your steady feed, your strong spine, your big heart and your fine mind.

Join us for regular classes, monthly events outside in nature morning or evening, special events like our upcoming Sound Bath in The Park Community Centre in December. Online classes may support your intention to visit your yoga mat twice in each week, our live weekly classes are recorded for you to access again during the week. Hope to see you on the mat soon.

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Sylvia Ferguson YogaComment
What is MBSR?

Mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) is an eight-week evidence-based program that offers intensive training to assist people with developing a personal meditation practice and to embody greater awareness. Developed at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center in the 1970s by Professor Jon Kabat-Zinn, MBSR uses a combination of mindfulness meditation, body awareness, and exploration of patterns of behaviour, thinking, feeling and action. Mindfulness can be understood as the non-judgmental acceptance and investigation of present experience in order to reduce stress and to increase well-being.

The benefits of mindfulness include decreased stress, enhanced ability to deal with illness, facilitation of recovery, decreased depressive symptoms, improved general health and well-being, improved communication, sleep, the list goes on. The 8-week MBSR course is an immersive dive into the foundations and applications of mindfulness, and it’s role in stress reduction and in living a rich, full, meaningful life. 

To discover and experience mindfulness an intense immersion over 8 weeks is recommended. One class, once a week, of 2.5 hours, and home practice of 35-45 minutes a day, six days out of seven. There is a day-long retreat in the middle. Studies show this is enough to create enduring change on the brain and the brain’s patterns. These changes persist beyond the 8-week course, especially if you keep your practice up, even in some small way. 

The sessions are interesting, alive with practices, mostly done seated in chairs. There is a lot of emphasis on actually practicing together… seated meditations, lying down guided body scans and mindful movement (similar to gentle yoga). Home practice is a key part. Together with the teacher, before you sign up for the course, you decide if it is a good fit for you and the right time in your life to undertake such a commitment.

Some comments from previous course participants:

“I really enjoyed the whole course, Sylvia is a really engaging teacher. I learnt so much about myself.” 

“I feel so much more aware of my mood and my energy levels since doing the course.”

“Highly recommend for stress reduction, my sleep has also improved”. 

Sylvia teaches MBSR courses in Mutton Lane Yoga Studio, Tibradden, Dublin 16. Places are extremely limited, please enquire early by sending an email or text 0876822362. Courses in the workplace can be curated to the needs of the individuals, please reach out with your own unique requirements.

Sylvia is teaching regular weekly yoga classes in Community Centres in Rathfarnham and Firhouse. Monthly Saturday morning workshops and evening meditations take place in Mutton Lane Yoga Studio in the Dublin mountains. Retreats are in Solar Alvura Health Hotel in Portugal. Corporate events are with McNulty Performance. Teacher Training is with Yoga Hub. Upcoming events are listed on the events and workshops page of the website.

For regular updates please sign up for the newsletter on the homepage of 

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Sylvia FergusonComment
Live online Yoga and Mindfulness is back!

1st October 2022

Dear yoga friends,

We are back with live online yoga! Please join us for 3 weeks of October classes €30 please, 11th - 25th. We'll break on Tuesday 1st November and I'll do a longer course to take us to Christmas after that, all going well. It's always fine to drop in or do part of a course if you can't attend it all.

In my teaching and practice at the moment I am very much immersed in mindfulness and wholesome movement. I begin teaching a new MBSR course in person to 8 lucky participants next Wednesday. I have a supervisor for this course as it's my first solo flight post Masters and each time I teach an MBSR course I find I reach a new layer of presence, a way of being with experience with more attention, more sensitivity, more compassion. It's really supportive to talk this process through with a professional supervisor as the journey evolves as each new layer reveals feelings and emotions, the good the bad and the ugly! Of course you will all be influenced by this, the more I can accept and be with me as I teach you, the more you can be present and accepting of you as you join me.

In our movement we'll look at back strength and core stability, spacious breaths with a relaxed diaphragm, range of motion in shoulders and hips, a quality of movement that mirrors our intention to be strong and soft, postural awareness as we move, balancing poses, focused attention practices and the art of letting go. I always welcome your questions, comments and suggestions as we journey together.

Cannot wait to see you soon on the mat, dearest online friends!

Kindest regards,


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Sylvia FergusonComment
Setting Intentions ... half the battle!

It’s that time of year again, back to school. Mixed emotions for many of us, I’m sure. For the parents there might be joy and the pride of seeing little ones head off, maybe there’s fear and worry. We love to watch them grow and develop, we want to keep them small forever! For those of us not packing school bags there’s the sadness of summer ending, the trepidation of a winter ahead, the possibility of growth and adventure in the new term and the moments where we want to pull the duvet over our heads and stay in a safe place where nothing changes.

There’s an Irish phrase often quoted in Gaelscoileanna at this time of year, “Tús maith, leath na h’oibre”, meaning a good start is half the work. In Mindfulness we say the intention you bring to your practice is the most important part, the intention to be with yourself in a way that imbues kindness and curiosity. Unlike school, we don’t come to our mindfulness practice to fix anything or to change ourselves into some perceived version of a “better” us. I know this can be difficult to get our heads around, after all, most of us have been told since we were 4 years old we needed to do better. In mindfulness we don’t seek to change things, we try to accept things exactly as they are. In that acceptance (with compassion and kindness) the struggle dissipates, things soften and become more flexible, we let go of what keeps us rigid, stuck and repeating tired old patterns, and change just happens.

Often we’re great at extending this kindness and compassion to others, our kids get woken on time with a kiss, our pets get walked and fed regularly, our vulnerable loved ones get support. Can we extend this intentional kindness to ourselves? Can we set intentions to engage in things that nurture us, that support us, that allow us space to be as we are so we can grow and thrive.

What intentions could you set for yourself for the coming few months? More me-time? A nourishing hobby? A plan to visit/see/explore? A class/group/social outlet? Join us for any of our events and workshops in the coming months to soak up the good intentions of those around you, and my intentions for delivering a practice that supports you as you are. Come to your yoga mat or your meditation cushion to be, not to fix. You are whole and complete and slightly imperfect just as you are, just as we all are. Let’s embrace that together.

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Sylvia FergusonComment
What is a soundbath?

Soundbath uses vibrational sound and frequency to help reduce stress, alter consciousness, and create a deep sense of peace and well-being. Essentially the sound can facilitate a deep state of meditation and relaxation as you get bathed in the gentle sound waves. Sound waves can resonate in the inner body, allowing an immersing in sensation as well as the awareness of the beautiful sounds surrounding you. Some people fall asleep, snore, and wake up feeling like they’ve had 8 hours of sleep! Whatever your experience is, it is exactly what you are experiencing, there is no right way or wrong way to feel. You simply listen without trying too hard.

Allowing the sounds to move through the nervous system, opens, clears, and recharges they body. Sometime we can experience a state of deep effortless meditation, in which we begin to relinquish control of the mind, its judgments, and continuous chatter, and allow and let go into blissful immersion into present moment experience, the whole system resting in its natural state.

You are welcome to experience this for yourself on Saturday 24th September from 2-4pm in The Park Community Centre. Very limited tickets, please book early.

The two hour session will include gentle yoga, breath work and relaxation practices to prepare the body and the mind for optimal relaxation.

The session is facilitated by Sylvia Ferguson, a yoga and mindfulness teacher and Aoife Connors from Prajna Sound a sound healer, piano tutor, and psychology graduate. Aoife currently facilitates Sound Meditation classes in a clinical setting on a regular basis. Price: €28 on Eventbrite

Please bring water, your yoga mat, a blanket and a pillow

Contradictions for sound healing therapy:

Peacemaker, Inflammation, infection, Pregnancy - first trimester, Raynaud’s Disease, Buerger's disease

Cancer (Advanced, Stage 4)

If you are in doubt please check with your Doctor.

Allowing the sounds to move through the nervous system, opens, clears, and recharges they body. Sometime we can experience a state of deep effortless meditation, in which we begin to relinquish control of the mind, its judgments, and continuous chatter, and allow and let go into blissful immersion into present moment experience, the whole system resting in its natural state.

The two hour session will include gentle yoga, breath work and relaxation practices to prepare the body and the mind for optimal relaxation.

The session is facilitated by Sylvia Ferguson, a yoga and mindfulness teacher and Aoife Connors from Prajna Sound a sound healer, piano tutor, and psychology graduate. Aoife currently facilitates Sound Meditation classes in a clinical setting on a regular basis.

Price :

€35 on Eventbrite

Please bring water, your yoga mat, a blanket and a pillow

Contradictions for sound healing therapy:


Inflammation, infection

Pregnancy - first trimester

Raynaud’s Disease, Buerger's disease

Cancer (Advanced, Stage 4)

If you are in doubt please check with your Doctor.

We’re here for any questions at all!

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Sylvia FergusonComment
Awakening curiosity: raindrops on your skin.

One of the foundational attitudes of Mindfulness Practice is curiosity. We are taught, and then we are guided to experiencing, a curious open mind. Curiosity is a powerful weapon in silencing the noisy mind and it's tired, old narrative. A curious mind helps us see things afresh, see ourselves anew, it expands our thinking, it exposes us to spontaneous moments of awe and joy. When we practice outdoors the stage is set for an immersive experience that continues to change in unpredictable ways from moment to moment and our job as participants is to notice the body sensations around all of that. How curious!

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Instructions for Mindful Walking

Walking slowly along a chosen path can be an interesting and supportive way to explore mindfulness. It can be nice to be “on the move”, an alternative to sitting or lying still for mindfulness, especially when the mind is a little busy. Our usual way of walking can be associated with achieving. Many of us walk for exercise or to get from A to B as fast as possible. Mindful walking is very different. It is a practice in ‘being’ rather than ‘achieving’. We practice to be with ourselves in a way that encourages curiosity, spaciousness and awareness. We practice to dwell in all the aspects of our present moment experience, unfolding slowly as we move thoughtfully along a simple walking path. The changing sensations as we move provides lots of opportunity to ground ourselves in present moment awareness. If we are lucky enough to have a place to practice in nature we are indulged with a rich variety of ways our senses can connect with present moment awareness by simply noticing what is present. As with all mindfulness practices we notice what is happening from moment to moment, even that busy mind, without criticism or judgement.

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Introduction to Sylvia's yoga classes, here's what might be helpful for you to know.

Hi, I’m Sylvia, your yoga teacher. I have been teaching yoga close to 20 years and I am also a Mindfulness Teacher teaching MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction). The instructions I give you are invitational, I make suggestions and you move your body in a way that feels right for you. I will never call you out on anything, I will never ask you to do anything you don’t want to. I will always be supportive if you need to make modifications to how you move. My classes are for everyone. Thanks for considering my yoga classes, it is a huge honor for me to teach what I love.

All of my yoga classes are mixed ability. Typically at one of my classes you will find someone new to yoga, someone who is doing yoga a little while and ‘getting it’, someone who is doing yoga a long time and still learning, someone who is just back to yoga after a break. Old and young, male and female, with injury and without injury, a cross-section of humanity. Yoga is for everyone. Rule number one is, ‘it’s not a competition’.

As newcomers to yoga we often compare ourselves to others. We can feel inadequate and feel that we are somehow not ‘doing it right’ or ‘not good enough’. Don’t worry, that’s normal, we all feel that. So step one is nice and easy, there is no judge. You are just fine the way you are and nobody’s looking at you anyway. Don’t criticise yourself (or others), do your best, and don’t worry about how you look. Wear warm, comfortable clothing you can layer.

There are many options available to newcomers to yoga. Some do a specific ‘Yoga for Beginners’ course or a beginner’s workshop. Google search your nearest studio for further information. As a former Yoga Hub teacher-trainer I have trained hundreds of yoga teachers over the years and can happily recommend the Yoga Hub teachers. However, Dublin is full of amazing teachers so I highly recommend finding a teacher that suits you timewise and location-wise. Keep it as easy as possible on yourself.

Many, if not most, newcomers to yoga just come along to a class to give it a go. If you have no injuries or limitations (e.g. high blood pressure, a recovering injury, a pregnancy currently or in the recent past) this is fine. Accept that you won’t do it perfectly straight away; go with an open mind. If you have a limitation or an injury get your doctor’s approval first and then chat to your teacher about whether or not the class would be suitable for you. Often, with a little bit of common sense, it will be. If you’d prefer to try your first yoga class from home you can sign up for live online yoga or try a pre-recorded yoga class suitable for beginners.

Yoga is union. Union of breath and moment, union of mind and body, union of effort and surrender. Your first class might be different to what you expect. It will possibly be harder (I teach people to be strong) and more relaxing (we meditate from the moment you take your first breath) than you had expected. Learning more about ourselves and what makes us tick is one of the many benefits of a yoga practice. It’s slow, it’s subtle but it’s profound.

Wear loose comfortable clothing. Yoga is typically done barefoot. Don’t worry if you don’t have perfect feet, nobody will care … it’s also fine to keep sock on if you prefer!. It’s nice to put the effort into being well prepared with fresh, comfortable clothing you feel at home in. I like to think of going to yoga a bit like going on a date with myself, I make a bit of effort to show up clean and fresh in clothes I like.

Please bring a yoga mat (let me know in advance if you need to borrow one) and a small blanket you can sit on, or use as padding under your knee or your head, or throw over you for final relaxation. Yoga mats can be purchased in any sports shop, luxury mats such as Manduka can be purchased online, the cheaper ones tend to be a bit slippy. Buy your throw / blanket in Pennys! Bring warm layers for relaxation, a sweatshirt or hoodie, cosy socks, maybe an eye pillow to block out the light.

Take is easy and listen to your body. The teacher is like the waiter at a huge buffet, showing you the table full of choices. You are the discerning customer, choosing what suits you. Listen to your body. Listen to your breath. If it feels wrong or too hard, don’t push it. If you are gasping for breath, slow down. Staying in touch with the breath is what we, as yogis, do. But don’t worry if you don’t ‘get’ the breath straight away, just move and follow the class and the breath will come. Simply listen without trying too hard. It will just happen. And when it does, it feels great. Above all else, as you move through your yoga practice, it should feel good. With practice and consistent effort your entire yoga practice might become a moving meditation.

Typically we will move slowly to start, combining breath and movement. Then we might flow through some sun salutations and standing poses and you may find your transitions between poses are slow and awkward the first time, that’s normal. With time you will flow with ease and grace and fluidity, even if you aren’t doing everything perfectly. Towards the latter end of the class we might explore a peak pose, an advanced yoga pose. You can try it, you can watch, you can go a few stages into it; you will be given instructions and guidance on what to do at any given moment. Have fun, be adventurous and playful if you feel like it, but above all else use common sense and keep yourself safe.

Finally we relax; usually for about 5 minutes. Often the relief that the class is over is enough to enable you to take a deep sigh and lie down and just rest! If not I might guide you on where to take your thoughts as your body relaxes more and more with each exhale. Sometimes during the relaxation phase a teacher may talk you through a longer guided relaxation practice. Sometimes there might be music, sometimes silence.

If you have any questions. observations or feedback please do chat to me after class or get in touch by email. I love feedback, requests and questions.

My weekend and evening workshops have the same ethos, everyone is welcome, beginners are always welcome.

Please feel free to drop me an email here. Some of my courses are full and have a waiting list so if you’re not sure please check first. Classes, workshops and yoga retreats in beautiful locations are detailed on my website and announced on my Facebook page, Sylvia’s yoga.

I’m looking forward to seeing you soon on the mat. Imperfect and simply showing up. Just like me!

“When I am in the place in me where I am truly me, and you are in the place in you where you are truly you, there is only one of us.”

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What's new, what's different?

A part of Mindfulness is waking up to what’s happening around is. We are all in this together. In this post pandemic era we are all navigating the river of life anew. My question to you is, what are you doing differently in light of that?

What supports you? What healthy habits do you have that calm your nervous system in a wholesome, nourishing way. There are the baths, the massages, the books. There are the nuanced ones, the gym, the exercise, the people, the shopping, the chatting, the glass of wine. Think it over carefully. What is nourishing? What is depleting? What is new for you, in this era, that accommodates you from this place we are in of collective human hurt.

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Sylvia FergusonComment
The Second Arrow : letting go of unnecessary suffering.

Where can we explore this on our yoga mats? We can listen to the mental chatter, the stories we tell ourselves. Imagine you are in a pose experiencing a large degree of tension in a muscle that feels hard and stuck. Imagine the difference between being agitated by this, frustrated, imagine the mental talk and even the effects elsewhere in the body, a clenched jaw or frown. Now take the same scenario and imagine yourself cultivating a degree and patience and acceptance around what is, after all, a normal, common human experience, tension in the body. Imagine yourself letting go of the mental chatter and instead tuning into the sensations of breathing. Noticing the breath and softening with the inhales, as you release with the exhales, a bit of space might come in. Maybe something now can shift a little. Letting go of the stories and the mental chatter, we learn to let go of resistance and tension. The first arrow maybe be inevitable but the second arrow is optional. We can learn to let go.

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Sylvia FergusonComment
Do you need a breathing space?

Do you need a little breathing space? Do you need time out to just be? Would it be supportive to immerse yourself in a day of hiking in the mountains, nutritious food in a luxurious dining room overlooking the city, yoga and mindfulness in a converted chapel amid long corridors and endless rooms with open fires and cosy armchairs. Lose yourself for a while with us.

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Sylvia FergusonComment