What's new, what's different?

Email sent on Sunday 27th February with words of wisdom and updates.

Dear Yoga Friends, 

What's new, what's different in your life? 

We are in a new era. Post-pandemic and in a war. How is your nervous system? Calm or agitated? How are you feeling? Spacious or constricted? 

A part of Mindfulness is waking up to what’s happening around is. We are all in this together. In this post pandemic era we are all navigating the river of life anew. My question to you is, what are you doing differently in light of that? 

What supports you? What healthy habits do you have that calm your nervous system in a wholesome, nourishing way. There are the baths, the massages, the books. There are the nuanced ones, the gym, the exercise, the people, the shopping, the chatting, the glass of wine. Think it over carefully. What is nourishing? What is depleting? What is new for you, in this era, that accommodates you from this place we are in of collective human hurt. 

Coming together as a community and having social connections around you is proven to be good for you in both body and mind. As humans, to connect with others is essential for wellbeing. In our yoga space we come together with shared intentions. We respect the ground rules of kindness, respect and empathy. We lean into the support of an environment that is calm, non-judgemental and welcoming. We all belong, just as we are.

This poem by Rumi is supportive when I feel it’s all overwhelming.

Out Beyond. 

Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing,
there is a field. I’ll meet you there.

When the soul lies down in that grass,
the world is too full to talk about.
Ideas, language, even the phrase ‘each other’
doesn’t make any sense.


Come to your yoga mat to find support and spaciousness.

Together in our online classes we are sequentially making our way through the foundational attitudes of mindful living, qualities we can cultivate on and off the yoga mat to encourage a rich, full, meaningful life. This week we explore 'Gratitude'. You can join us week-to-week by selecting one class here

In other news updates:

Morning classes in Ballyroan are back as usual this week. We will have a small number of spaces free in each class, Tuesdays at 10.45am and Thursdays at 9.30am, March 1st and 3rd, please enquire. 

Evening Classes in The Park Community Centre: 

NOTE THE RETURN TO ONE-HOUR CLASSES Mondays 8-9pm, Thursdays 6.30-7.30pm .

Monday night yogis, thanks so much to everyone confirming new courses, we're on week 3 this week, 8-9pm. We have a small number of drop in spaces free this week.

Thursday will be week two of our four-week course. Thanks to everyone who has prepaid and confirmed. If you haven't already done so you can confirm your next course here please. We have some available spaces on Thursday's course and we will have some drop-in spaces this week. 

You can book your drop-in here or text or email me. 

MBSR practitioners we're back in Ballyroan / Zoom for week 7 of our 8-week MBSR course; 10.45am to 1.10pm. 

Monthly workshops, two hours long, will run to allow you to go a little deeper into your practice. At the moment these are happening in Mutton Lane Yoga Studio. We have full-day retreats in Orlagh House, and monthly full moon meditations by the firelight in Mutton Lane. Upcoming events are always listed on the Events and Workshops page of my website. Please book Eventbrite events early as they tend to book out quickly. Consider joining us in Orlagh House Wednesday 13th April for a whole day out of nourishment, yoga and a mountain hike, a complete day of retreat.

Come to your yoga mat to find support and spaciousness.

Kindest regards, 


Join me for online yoga in your home any time, on-demand classes here

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