It’s still in me, the feeling in the room as we all breathed the same rhythm of breath for nearly an hour together. Utterly present and completely in awe. I can recall it at will, it has soaked in.
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I have spent the last 20 years studying, practicing and teaching yoga and meditation and have a Masters of Science in Mindfulness Based Interventions. Having taught in a wide range of venues in Ireland and all over the world I am fascinated by people and the workings of our bodies, hearts and minds, My knowledge of neuroscience and anatomy equips me in translating what I’m learning into language that helps people understand, and verbalise, their brain-body connection.
You’ll find me sharing my insights in my blogs, not just about yoga and the mind but also life experiences, and how we can find that quieter space within, regardless of the external circumstances.
Yoga and mindfulness are powerful tools in this busy stressful modern world; their value is multiplied when we can apply them to life! If you enjoy my blogs please comment and let me know.
Thanks for reading them.
It’s still in me, the feeling in the room as we all breathed the same rhythm of breath for nearly an hour together. Utterly present and completely in awe. I can recall it at will, it has soaked in.
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At any given moment on our yoga mats we can make a decision to either try harder and cultivate more strength, effort and determination or to withdraw, to soften, relax and try a little less hard. The same is true of life. The difficulty is knowing when to do which. How do we know?
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“I can’t do this’, crept into my head. I want to kneel down on my mat and howl. I want to crumble, to collapse, I want to kneel down, and howl and howl and howl.
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..take a really good look around you, recognise what makes you happy and relaxed, and do lots more of that.
Read MoreThe scary part … walk along the length of the trunk at a height, nothing to hold on to and the ground far beneath.
Read MoreOne of the most essential things in my life to remain calm is not, in fact, yoga. Yoga comes after this.
Read MoreYou have the power to choose. Find space in the pause, find freedom!
Read MoreFor all practitioners there is a sense that Yoga Nidra is place on an ongoing journey towards the liberation of the self, a journey of observing the experience of releasing, of expansion, of resting in stillness, quietness and peace. In other words, as you drop through all the layers of your outer self, seeing everything on the way down, you become aware of all those layers themselves. This awareness can be brought back on returning to normal waking consciousness. You are gifted a sense of space within yourself, a sense of time and a consciousness needed to help choose what to say, how to respond, what direction to go in, in each moment. Witnessing and sensing physical release as the body sheds layer after layer of tension and holding is one of the most blissful yet practical aspects of the practice.
Read MoreCombine meditation practices with awareness of how you are physically aligned. Make subtle but profound shifts, learn to improve posture, relax and calm your mind,
Read MoreSylvia teaches live online yoga twice a week and monthly online workshops. You can find out more on the events and workshops page or sign up for her newsletter on her home page. Pre-recorded classes are available to you any time, you purchase once and own forever. If you’re new to Sylvia or back to yoga after a break we suggest Hatha Yoga to start. Bundles include the Zen Collection, a variety of classes for every mood, and the Daily Collection, five half-hour daily practices. Please inquire about virtual Mindfulness in the workplace. We remain very hopeful for a return to outdoor yoga in Spring Summer ’21. Join us!
Read MoreSylvia teaches live online yoga twice a week and monthly online workshops. You can find out more on the events and workshops page or sign up for her newsletter on her home page. Pre-recorded classes are available to you any time, you purchase once and own forever. If you’re new to Sylvia or back to yoga after a break we suggest Hatha Yoga to start. Bundles include the Zen Collection, a variety of classes for every mood, and the Daily Collection, five half-hour daily practices. Please inquire about virtual Mindfulness in the workplace. We remain very hopeful for a return to outdoor yoga in Spring Summer ’21. Join us!
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