Sylvia Yoga | Experienced qualified yoga teacher in South Dublin & online.

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Spring is in the air and Sylvia's Yoga is making plans!

Dear Yoga friends,

Can you hear it, can you smell it!? Spring is on the way. Finally. They say being tuned into nature makes us more mindful as we naturally understand the ebb and flow of life then. Dark days are followed by light. Sunshine is temporary so we’d better make the most of it! In Buddhism we are taught to recognise that tough times are inevitable but suffering is optional. As we emerge from the darkness why not join me in getting excited about making plans for Spring and Summer.

Our community yoga classes are all full of enthusiastic, committed yogis, showing up as best we can when we can. If you have come to class with me and lapsed you are ALWAYS welcome back. Newcomers, I will do my best to fit you in but you might have a short wait until a space comes up in class. I’ll be sending a usual regular email to all venues in the coming days to clarify where we are with courses, the events page of the website is up to date. There you can sign up for the individual email lists for all venues.

Our 8-week MBSR course in Mutton Lane is underway. We alternate between the cosy seated outdoor area, the deck surrounded by nature and the studio with it’s wood-burning stove. It’s all gorgeous! Our next course runs in May, please ask me if you’d like more information. Here’s a little snippet from one participant:

“I felt starting it was all about being more relaxed but particularly after the second class I realised it was more about acceptance and being with how you feel and not fighting against it which has brought me huge contentment.”

Our workshops in Mutton Lane are running twice monthly, an evening meditation and a Saturday morning 2-hour workshop. All abilities and levels of practice are welcome. We are outdoors and inside, making the most of the beautiful fresh air and the cosy fire-lit studio. Please book early, March and April events are open for booking, February’s are full (please check out the waiting list as we do get cancellations). We have a sound-bath in the Park Community Centre in March, two hours of bliss on a Saturday afternoon.

I’m back teacher training with Yoga Hub, this time in our gorgeous new studio in Frascati Centre in Blackrock. I am so excited to have some regular students joining this 10-month course starting soon, and many more of you curious about undertaking a course like this. You don’t have to want to be a teacher, you don’t have to be able to wrap your leg around your neck, the only requirement is that you are passionate about yoga and curious about committing to a deeper practice. Let me know if you’d like to chat more about this.

I’m doing some travel in Spring and Autumn this year, yoga and adventure in far-flung lands with friends and family, always with an eye to planning a retreat for us somewhere warm! This means I am home for the whole summer which is something I increasingly treasure as I get older, I LOVE Irish summer. I’m already researching our venue for Friday mornings, possibly Marlay Park, I’m open to other suggestions. Requirements are space, shelter for rain, free parking, beautiful nature, lots of trees and open sky. If you’re planning yoga time for yourself in the coming months please consider the Friday morning slot with us.

I’m back in the Corporate World teaching in-person, immersive, interactive Mindfulness sessions. I’m loving what I am seeing in the work environment, a huge emphasis on well-being, respect and compassion. Isn’t it wonderful how we are all becoming so much more aware of the impact we have on each other? We are all connected in the ocean of humanity, you rise and we all rise.

We have been gifted a Bank Holiday weekend in early Spring, the sun is shining and days are getting longer. Let’s go and live our best lives!

Thanks so much to all of you, thanks for all the kindness and empathy you all show me.

Kindest regards,
