Sylvia Yoga | Experienced qualified yoga teacher in South Dublin & online.

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Outdoor Yoga Safety Statement

Sylvia Ferguson Safety Statement Sylvia’s Yoga Outdoor Yoga Classes in Marlay Park and Orlagh House 2021

Date: 12th May 2021

The Health and Safety of the participants of Sylvia’s Yoga classes and the extended community is my priority and I am determined to be proactive regarding precautions to limit the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19). 

I continue to closely monitor the coronavirus outbreak and the advice from DLR, the National Public Health Emergency Team, the HSE and the WHO. 

Participants will bring their own yoga mats and and yoga mats and belongings will be placed on the grass in accordance with current social distancing guidelines. 

Social distancing guidelines will be in place for arrival to and departure from the yoga area. 

Participants will pay online in advance for their yoga classes with no provision for exchange of cash on the day. 

Participants will avoid coming if they have experienced any of the following recently:

Cough, shortness of breath, raised temperature, contact with a suspected Covid-19 case. 

This safety statement will be reviewed and revised regularly based on the advice from DLR, the National Public Health Emergency Team, the HSE and the WHO. 

For more details on Sylvia’s outdoor yoga classes please see the Events page of her website or sign up for her newsletter for regular updates.