Sylvia's Yoga newsletter Jan 19. It's working: 7 things I'm going to keep doing this year
Happy New Year Yoga Friends.
Embrace the concept that we can, at any moment, make wiser choices which determine the course of our lives.
Last year I upped my game. Professionally, personally, in skincare, in relationships, but above all else in my happiness: I upped my happiness last year and this all really helped.
I became stronger and more disciplined physically. Do you like walking in the forest / going for a run / doing yoga? Do it, and do it almost daily. Do you want to feel strong? Lift something that makes you lift harder than you think you need to. Up your game with your exercise and you feel stronger and more centred to help you float through life with greater ease and grace. Since becoming (much) stronger I am feeling more feminine, more confident, more relaxed than ever.
I slowed it down. More unscheduled free time to just potter. A longer, slower, morning to start the day relaxed, calm and focused. Sometimes meditation, sometimes yoga, sometimes a mindful walk in nature. Starting every day calm, focused and relaxed is key for me.
I made new friends, I connected with old friends. I went for more coffees, more walks, more fun meals, more dance floors. That person who always makes you smile and who gets your jokes … go and hang out with them more.
I tidied it up. Since reading Marie Kondo’s ‘Spark Joy’ I am a lot more discerning about what is in my line of vision, my home, my life. I am attracting beauty and authenticity, I got a skip for my house and a proverbial skip for who I was choosing to waste thinking-time dwelling on, and I’m enjoying less clutter all round in life.
I became a PA. I needed my desk tidied, my papers sorted, the messy stuff dealt with, so I allocated time to being my own PA. The messy stuff is diminishing and the neat piles of tidy files are growing. Sort out the messy pile, it feels so empowering and rewarding.
I upped my skin-care game. Hugely. Have you heard of putting up to seven carefully chosen layers of scientifically balanced skin care in a timely method on your face repeatedly? If not you need to … for your right brain development, for your mindfulness practice, for your radiance. There was a time when preening was perceived as being self-indulgent, as being vain. Thankfully that’s all gone now. It’s cool to take good care of yourself. Rappers have essential oil diffusers, so do 15 year old boys. 15 year old boys are also quite happy to do skincare-night with their mothers regularly; they know; looking radiant = being radiant.
I said yes. I stepped bravely into the unknown. I made rich, close friendships. I climbed the mountain, jumped into the sea, danced until my feet hurt, laughed until my cheeks hurt. Saw sunrises, sunsets, stars at night and endless seas. Laughed and cried and got scared and got braver. Loved and lost and then loved again.
I am just back from a life changing experience in Xinalani with Exotic Yoga Retreats. Each retreat is unique and profound. The charisma of 57 fellow yogis is forever soaked up in me after this wonderful time, sharing incredible beauty and joy. I feel brand-new embracing my New Year and look forward to reconnecting with you on the mat.
Dublin classes and workshops will return in full swing after Monday 7th. Our next monthly Advance your Practice Workshop on Saturday 12th, 2pm, is nearly fully booked. New online classes are launching soon, you can start your day with Morning Rise and Shine with me very soon.
Seeds are being planted for new events with Exotic Yoga Retreats - please hold onto a thought of spending time in yoga and adventure with me somewhere exciting soon … perhaps a beautiful European City for a refreshing, cultural break? More news on that coming soon.
Mindfulness and meditation in the workplace is growing in Dublin and Internationally and I look forward to further expansion on my current trajectory as well as getting creative with new audiences, longer events, and interesting collaborations.
Teacher training is ongoing with Yoga Hub in Dublin, if you’re considering this please ask me. I will tell you you should definitely do it.
Thank you for your continued support and for all of you cheering me on.
See you on the mat,