Sylvia Yoga | Experienced qualified yoga teacher in South Dublin & online.

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Love and Joy

This week I lost a yoga student and a friend. Our lovely Gerri died. 

She had battled cancer for many years. When I first met her she was at an exciting time in her life; she beamed joy and enthusiasm and courage and love. The last time I met her was quite recently, in her house, guiding a yoga nidra practice for her and her dearest friends, much loved yoga students of mine.  

I felt so privileged to be a part of their small, but so open, circle of friends. We knew it was soon coming to an end for Gerri. We all felt so privileged to be there. She met us at the door, beaming joy and enthusiasm and courage and love. We chatted and hugged and laughed. We did our practice, warm socks, layers of blankets, the low light of mid winter, a fire crackling and candles brightly burning. 

It’s still in me, the feeling in the room as we all breathed the same rhythm of breath for nearly an hour together. Utterly present and completely in awe. I can recall it at will, it has soaked in.

Thank you to all of those wonderful people who go through life spreading so much love and joy that their love and joy radiates out of them and settles into the very being of those around them. Thank you, Gerri; you are with us forever more. 

Dearest yoga friends, I cherish each one of you even more now. I wish you all love and joy. Seek it out, soak it up, radiate it out.

Sylvia teaches live online yoga twice a week and monthly online workshops. You can find out more on the events and workshops page or sign up for her newsletter on her home page. Pre-recorded classes are available to you any time, you purchase once and own forever. If you’re new to Sylvia or back to yoga after a break we suggest Hatha Yoga to start. Bundles include the Zen Collection, a variety of classes for every mood, and the Daily Collection, five half-hour daily practices. Please inquire about virtual Mindfulness in the workplace. We remain very hopeful for a return to outdoor yoga in Spring Summer ’21. Join us!